PASSAGE uses two different types of cameras to monitor traffic and detect vehicles.
Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) cameras are placed at key intersections and are used to monitor traffic situations, congestion, and incidents throughout the county. PTZ cameras can horizontally scan 360 degrees, tilt up and down, and zoom, allowing operators to see nearly a mile. About every five minutes, an image of each leg of an intersection is sent to the PASSAGE website through the fiber optic network. Selecting the camera icons on the PASSAGE map shows the images captured by the PTZ cameras. In an emergency, operators in the Transportation Management Center (TMC) can share video images with emergency responders and also change signal timings to help alleviate congestion. These cameras also help Lake County enhance emergency response and preparedness plans for Lake County and the surrounding areas.
Detection cameras are deployed throughout Lake County, sensing approaching traffic and cycling the signal. In the past, loops of wire buried in the pavement were used to detect vehicles. In recent years, overhead cameras have been introduced, improving detection efficiency in certain areas. Unlike fixed loops, the camera’s area of detection can be optimized, improving signal accommodation for different vehicle sizes and types, from trucks to motorcycles.